HomeNewsBotswana 2025 Junior Certificate Examinations (JCE) Timetable

Botswana 2025 Junior Certificate Examinations (JCE) Timetable

The Botswana Examination Council has released the final special 2025 Junior Certificate Examinations (JCE) Timetable. The time table is available to download in PDF

2025 Junior Certificate Examinations (JCE) General Instructions and Guidelines

1. About this Timetable

This timetable contains

• instructions and guidelines about the examinations;

• a full list, in date order, of all the written examinations;

• scheduled dates for practical examinations;

• scheduled dates for moderation;

• submission dates for coursework deliverables;

• dates for submission of coursework marks in Malepa;

• the key to the timetable. The timetable must be followed throughout. If there is any discrepancy between this timetable and any other documents such as Statements of Entry or labels on question paper packets, the Head of Centre should immediately contact the Director, Assessment Administration at BEC.

2. About the Sessions

Examinations scheduled for the morning session should start at 08:00 and examinations for the afternoon should start at 14:00. In cases where there are two papers timetabled in the morning session, the second paper will start at 11:00.

3. Time Allowance for Question Papers

Any time required for candidates to read through question papers, to study maps, etc., is already included in the duration of the examination as shown on the timetable and on the front cover of the question paper. No additional time should be allowed except for some Special Needs papers of which specific instructions will be enclosed.

4. Home Economics Paper 21/2

The Planning Session for this practical examination will take place on 11 August, 2025 at 08:00.

The Practical Examination will take place from 15 to 26 September 2025. The examination will be conducted on the dates allocated to each Centre as reflected on the schedule that will be sent to the Centres.

5. Music Paper 34/1: Listening

This is a listening examination that requires a CD which is provided by BEC. The CD is provided together with a set of Instructions for Invigila-tors.

• The instructions should be read by the Chief Invigilator and the Music teacher 1 day before the examination.

6. Music Paper 34/3: Practical Examination

This Practical Examination will take place from 15 to 26 September 2025. • The examination will be conducted on the dates allocated to each Centre as reflected on the schedule that will be sent to the Centres.

7. Art Paper 33/2: Practical Examination

This is a controlled Practical Examination that runs for 3 hours.

• The question papers must be distributed for preparatory purposes to candidates on 11 August 2025 at 11:00.

• After the examination, the candidates’ work must be packaged in the special boxes provided and stored securely until such time that they are despatched to BEC with other examination scripts.

8. French Paper 32/1: Listening & Reading Comprehension

This is a listening and reading examination that requires a CD provided by BEC.
The CD is provided together with a set of Instructions to Invigilators and candidates. Instructions to Invigilators and candidates should be opened as soon as they are received and those for candidates distributed to all candidates taking the French examination.

9. French Paper 32/3 Practical Examination

The Practical Examination will take place from 15 to 26 September 2025. • The examination will be conducted on the dates allocated to each Centre as reflected on the schedule that will be sent to the Cen-tres.

10. For Private Candidates Only

The following components are for private candidates only and should not be availed to school candidates unless by prior arrangement with BEC.
1. Agriculture Paper 4 (16/4);

2. Commerce and Office Procedures Paper 4 (25/4)

3. Commerce and Accounting Paper 4 (26/4);

4. General Science Papers 1 and 2 (43/1 & 43/2)
Syllabuses with a practical examination component ARE NOT available for Private Candidates. These are Home Economics, Music, Art, and French.

11. Submission of Coursework and Coursework Marks

Centres that have registered candidates for syllabuses with a coursework component should submit their marks through Malepa on the stipulated dates as indicated on page 6 of this Timetable. In addition, Syllabus specific guidelines on moderation of coursework and deliverables will be provided by the BEC. Centres are also required to keep a back up copy of the coursework marks.

12. Examination Malpractice

Centres should be aware that examination malpractice is classified as a criminal offence, and that there are sanctions and penalties which may lead to loss of marks, disqualifica-tion, or barring from examinations of candidates or the Centre.

• The Head of Centre should ensure that teachers, invigilators and candidates are made aware of their responsibility in guarding against malpractice, as well as the consequences.

• All work submitted must be the candidate’s authentic work.

• The Centre should ensure that there is no collusion, copying, impersonation or any other suspicious acts during examinations.

The Invigilator’s Manual and the timetable should be in each examination room at all times for the duration of the examinations.

13. General Notes

• The Chief Invigilator must ensure that the correct question paper packet is opened on the scheduled time in the timetable.

• At the beginning of each examination session, sealed packets of the question papers should be opened by the Invigilator in the presence of candidates.

• Before opening each envelope, the Invigilator should confirm with candidates that the paper is the timetabled one.

• At the end of each examination, scripts and answer sheets should be sealed in the presence of the candidates.

• The attendance register and seating plan for each of the scheduled examinations should be completed for each examination session. Candidates should individually append their signatures against their names on the attendance register before being dismissed from the examination room.

• The Chief Invigilator must also indicate absent candidates and sign at the bottom of each page of the attendance register to confirm the information provided.

• Projects, scripts and answer sheets will be collected from Centres. Communication will be made to Centres regarding arrangements for the collection of scripts.

• Centres should follow the Guidelines for Conduct of exami-nations at all times.

Download the Final Special Botswana 2025 Junior Certificate Examinations (JCE) Timetable pdf here


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